Sunday, December 29, 2019

Drinking Age During The United States Of America - 1325 Words

Patrick Murray Oakley, Sottile Senior Thesis 05/21/2016 Drinking age in the United States of America Remember being sixteen and the only thing we could possibly do with the rest of our lives was wait to turn eighteen? On our eighteenth birthday we found a renewed sense of the word maturity as we were now able to walk into gas stations or grocery stores to buy lottery tickets or a pack of cigarettes. At this point in our lives we were able to attain a full driver s license, no more permit or be in by 9 rules! But, there is still that Under 21 label above or right next to your name, even though you gain a lot of responsibilities and rights at 18, your driver s license is an indication and reminder to how â€Å"youthful† you still are. By age eighteen we are able to enlist (Enlisting) and die for our country. Everyone knows how heroic that is, however, â€Å"at eighteen years old you have nearly every burden and privilege as adults...except the right to drink alcohol† (Lynn) Further, bringing up a valid point that in our American culture, everything wish ed to be attained is graduated and usually costs money. We want a license? We must first gain our permit. We want to drink at a bar with our friends? No you have to wait till 21,but in the mean you can first enjoy a cigarette, which have many many toxins that can kill you and causes many different cancers(Quit Smoking Support). You may be what the world calls a young adult but you are stillShow MoreRelatedProhibition Of The National Minimum Drinking Age Act1376 Words   |  6 Pagesregulations instituted by the government were suggestions. After the Prohibition laws were lifted in 1993, the drinking age was set at twenty one but was later lowered to eighteen because of the passage of the 26th amendment which lowered the voting age to eighteen. In order to combat drunk driving, The National Minimum Drinking Age Act was passed and stated that states must raise their drinking age to twenty one or lose 10% of their funds to pay for their highways. The organization MADD (Motherâ€℠¢s AgainstRead MoreThe Drinking Age Of 211520 Words   |  7 PagesThe drinking age in America should be lowered from 21 to 18. At 18, someone in America is legally considered an adult, and they can indulge in things that are potentially far more harmful than alcohol. Under certain circumstances, alcohol has already been permitted for people under the age of 21. Furthermore, the drinking age of 21 is ineffective because people between the ages of 18 to 21 are still drinking regardless. However, this drinking often takes the shape of dangerous binge drinking. ManyRead More America Must Lower the Drinking Age Essay981 Words   |  4 PagesAmerica Must Lower the Drinking Age The current drinking age in the United States of America is 21. There are some people who agree with the current drinking age even some who think it should be raised. On the other hand, a number of people feel that the current drinking age produces more problems than it prevents (â€Å"Cross Fire†). The United States has unsuccessfully tried prohibition legislation not once, but twice in the past. These laws were eventually done away with due to the inabilityRead MoreThe Minimum Drinking Age Act1211 Words   |  5 Pages Some people find it hard to understand that at the age of eighteen you can fight and die for your country, but you cannot legally drink or purchase alcoholic beverages. Others find it hard to believe that there are people who want people under the age of twenty-one drinking. The important question is: should the drinking age be lowered to eighteen instead of remaining at twenty-one? The legal drinking age is the age at which a person can consume or purchase alcohol. These laws cover a wide rangeRead MoreThe Temperance Movement Essay1374 Words   |  6 PagesTemperance Movement was to try to abolish alcohol in the early 1900’s. â€Å"’We Sang Rock of Ages‘: Frances Willard Battles Alcohol in the late 19th Century† (Willard). The author the of literary piece is Frances Willard and the literary piece is an autobiography. America should get rid of alcohol because it ruins lives along with the family of that person who is an alcoholic. The article â€Å"’We Sang Rock of Ages’: Frances Willard Battles Alcohol in the late 19th Century† (Willard) reflects the temperanceRead MorePositive And Negative Effects Of Drinking Alcohol1709 Words   |  7 Pagesthe consumption of alcohol but it can be said that drinking alcohol has both positive and negative effects. Controversy may arise between opposing sides that those below the age of twenty-one are not responsible enough to drink however are allowed a driving license or a driver’s permit. In the United States of America, society and lawmakers focus more on the negative impacts of alcohol consumption especially when it comes to who we allow drinking, and do not consider that teenagers are able to thinkRead MoreShould The Drinking Age Be Lowered?994 Words   |  4 PagesShould the Drinking Age Be Lowered? Approximately 2 out of every 3 high school students have drank to the point of getting intoxicated (binge drink), in more than one occasion (Centers for Disease and Control Prevention [CDC], n.d.). Binge drinking has become increasingly common for youth under the minimum legal drinking age, making it increasingly dangerous because of the lack of supervision that young adults have that can consequently, lead to death because of fear of the law (Bonnie O’ConnellRead MoreDrinking Culture and American Social Norms1318 Words   |  6 PagesSPEECH #3 – PERSUASIVE SPEECH Name: DANIEL C. DILIGENT Title: Lowering the Legal Drinking Age Specific Purpose: To argue in favor of lowering the minimum legal drinking age in the United States. Thesis Statement: I will discuss 1) the current legal drinking age, 2) the effect that this drinking age has upon American social norms, and 3) the potential benefits of a lower drinking age. I. INTRODUCTION A. Hook: Alcohol is ever-present in to day’s American society. Television viewers are constantly bombardedRead MoreThe Legal Drinking Age Of The United States1345 Words   |  6 PagesWith food, there comes a variety of cultural differences with beverages. One of the most popular drink markets in the United States is energy drinks. This industry has grown significantly in the past ten years, and many of the companies are household names, such as Red Bull, Monster, and Rockstar Energy. While they have mainstream success in the United States, many countries look down on these products because of their use of certain supplements, such as excess amounts of caffeine of taurine. SomeRead MoreThe Policy Of The National Minimum Drinking Age1503 Words   |  7 Pagescontroversial problems within the United States is the policy of the national minimum drinking age of 21. I believe that the raising of the drinking age to 21 years old has created more problems than solving them. America has had past experiences with a simil ar situation when they enforced prohibition. As we know, prohibition was a nationwide constitutional ban on the production, importation, transportation, and sale of alcoholic beverages, which was a huge failure. America have tried prohibition legislation

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Ana Code Of Ethics And Professional Standards Essay

Because of the complex nature of nursing there are plenty of opportunities to question ethical, moral, and legal standards. Marquis and Huston (2015a) described these opportunities as results of the expectation of nurses to meet the needs of patients, physicians, and the organizations they serve while still maintaining the values and morals the nurses have established for themselves (Marquis Huston, 2015a). Teleological frameworks that focus on the overall benefit of those involved and deontological frameworks like duty-based reasoning, rights-based reasoning, and institutionist framework play a part in decision-making in nursing. Marquis and Huston also described some recent frameworks including ethical relativism, where decision makers involve what they perceive as right, and ethical universalism, which represented the concepts that are the foundation of the ANA Code of Ethics and Professional Standards (Marquis Huston, 2015a). These concepts become difficult to decipher when considering legal ethics like negligence, malpractice, and libility interfere with the moral ethics of an individual. A law clearly defines expectations establishing wrong-doings as displayed in the Nurse Practice Act for each state (Marquis Huston, 2015b). These laws help respect the rights of the patients as well as the healthcare providers through standards like Good Samaritan Laws and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. Separating right from wrong becomes moreShow MoreRelatedForensic Nursing Codes Of Ethics1382 Words   |  6 Pagesshould utilize the Codes of Ethics from the American Nurses Association. The 2015 Code â€Å"addresses individual as well as collective nursing intentions and actions; it requires each nurse to demonstrate ethical competence in professional life† (ANA, 2015, p. 7). This code can be broken down into nine provisions which highlight the main focuses every nurse should s trive to abide by in practice. Because forensic nursing is a field that intersects the legal system and healthcare (ANA IAFN, 2015, p. 3)Read MoreCode of Ethics for Nurses Essay1605 Words   |  7 PagesRunning head: SYSTEM OF INQUIRY PAPER System of Inquiry Paper Wendell A. Garcia University of Phoenix March 18, 2008 American Nurses Association’s Code of Ethics for Nurses Ethics is an integral part of the foundation of nursing. Nursing has a distinguished history of concern for the welfare of the sick, injured, and vulnerable and for social justice. This concern is embodied in the provision of nursing care to individuals and the community. Nursing encompasses the prevention ofRead MorePolitical Awareness Essay1418 Words   |  6 Pageshandle the chaos and unpredictability that the health care system is in today and will be in the future. Huston (2008) shared that nurse leaders must begin to prepare to be effective leaders by: developing a global mindset about health care and professional nursing issues; increase their technology skills; perfect their decision-making ability; create an organizational culture that gives quality health care and patient and staff safety; develop an understanding and appropriate interventions in politicalRead MoreThe American Nurses Association1130 Words   |  5 Pagesunique set of ethics, values, morals, and beliefs by which may be very different from our own. Because of our professional role, we must use lifelong learning as a tool to broaden our views, increase our knowledge, and understand the influences which affect it. To make this possible, we have to continually educate ourselves about the nursing laws, professional standards, and code of ethics all of which we are committed to. American Nurses Association The American Nurses Association (ANA) developedRead MoreNursing Code Of Ethics Essay1253 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction Nursing code of ethics was developed as a guide in carrying out nursing responsibilities in a matter consistent with quality in nursing care and the ethical obligations of the profession (ANA, 2015). The term ethics refers to the study of philosophical ideas of right and wrong behavior (Olin, 2012). There is a total of nine provisions however, throughout this paper I will discuss provisions one through four and express how I plan to utilize these provisions as a new RN. These provisionsRead MoreMerriem Webster Dictionary Defines Ethics As The Principles915 Words   |  4 PagesMerriem Webster Dictionary defines ethics as the principles of conduct governing an individual or a group; a guiding philosophy (Ethic). Moral concepts governing a groups behavior cannot â€Å"be examined and understood apart from their history (MacIntyre, 1). Behavior that is seen as good and bad is depicted in ancient literature and poems. Iliad occurs during the Trojan War, circa 500 BC. Socrates (circa 470/469 – 399 BC) is known as one of the founders of modern philosophy; the Socratic Method isRead MoreProfessional Code Of Conduct : An Ethical Approach1419 Words   |  6 Pages Professional Code of Conduct: An Ethical approach in Nursing The health care system consists of broad spectrums which construct opportunities to provide quality care to their clients. These opportunities are influenced by society and technology consisted demands for streamline processes in health care. Those streamline processes focus on the review of professional code of conduct subjected to an overall mandate of regulations. In particular, regulations pertaining to health care ethics. ForRead MoreNursing is a field that requires a true understanding about ethics. Ethics by definition is the600 Words   |  3 PagesNursing is a field that requires a true understanding about ethics. Ethics by definition is the study or use of moral belief. Morality is the the act of actually following these beliefs. So  to follow the code of ethics is to be moral. Each nurse is expected to follow the standards set out by the code of ethics from the American Nurse Association  (ANA) and from his or her  place of employment in order to practice morall y. The ANAs code of ethics highlights that a nurse should care for all patients equallyRead MoreANA Code of Ethics1214 Words   |  5 PagesANA Code of Ethics Introduction In the field of nursing, the ANA Code of Ethics is designed to provide specific bylaws that will influence the practices of health care professionals inside the industry. However, there are different advocacy campaigns that will have an impact on how it is interpreted and applied. In the case of advocacy for population health, these issues mean that there could be moral dilemmas faced in the process (most notably: lifestyle choices and their impact on the individual)Read MoreUnderstanding The Interdisciplinary Field Of Healthcare Essay1302 Words   |  6 Pagesthat promotes quality care through core competencies, and the American Nurses Association (ANA) holds true to the legacy of nursing while guiding the future of nursing with foundational guidelines such as the Code of Ethics. Five Core Competencies To reduce clinical errors and promote positive outcomes, IOM implemented five core competencies to be include in the education of each health care professional. Patient centered care could be understood, as providing the highest level of care possible

Friday, December 13, 2019

Stench of Kerosene Free Essays

ENGLISH ASSIGNMENT Name:-Prashant Kumar Corse:-B. A. ECO 1st year Q:-Amrita Pritam’s story is a realistic and unbiased depiction of social relation in rural India . We will write a custom essay sample on Stench of Kerosene or any similar topic only for you Order Now Discuss. Ans:-â€Å"Stench of kerosene† by Amrita pritam is a depiction of our social construction of society which deals with woman condition and social stigma and belief. It discusses relation between mother –son, husband-wife in rural India. It pictures poignant indictment of marriage that still exists in Indian villages. It has portrayed marriage as an act of producing children in domestic front which exists till now. It has figured woman as a machine for manufacturing young ones. And in some stance it shows the patriarchal view. In the first section of story Guleri seems very involved in her life . she was a good daughter and a good wife. Manek loved him very much but due to the dominance of her mother he was not able to overcome the echelon of suppression. Manek’s mother authoritarian figure in the whole story has come upon in a dominant manner. She is the decision maker of the family which we do not find generally in Indian rural households. Often in rural India women is subjugated and oppressed and are not given the proper due. You have been away for a long time’ exclaimed his mother ‘Did you all the way to chamba? ’ This line clearly depicts how her mother reins her house. She always seems to keep manek under her control. To this manek replied with heavy tone ‘Not all the way to the top of the hill’ His heavy tone was the sign of his awareness that his mother is going to tie his not with another woman since guleri was not able to bore even a single child. This non acceptance of the disability to bear a single child clearly illustrates that woman in society even in the urban field is only supposed to produce children’s. Also the decision of manek‘s second marriage was taken without the consent of Guleri. This cast a shadow of importance given to the women even also when the decision is related to the innermost facets of their life. Here the subjugation of women can be easily drawn out. And when his mother again says that ‘Why do you croak like an old woman’? â€Å"Be a man† Portrays how a man should be and displays the patriarchy of the society i. e. showing the masculinity to the inferior sex on social grounds. Guleri was not able to accept that manek has married again. She loved him so much that it seemed end of the world for her. Since the person she believed most, deceived her {even under pressure from his mother} has closed all the door of reconciliation with the manek . It truly cut her from the very core of heart . And that lead to immolation to show her faithfulness towards her love by sprinkling kerosene on herself. This step does not show that it has come totally on her own will , here she also fears from the society of her non- acceptance. That she might be ostracised from the society since her husband has abandoned her due to her infertileness. This story seems realistic here that has now got embed in social practise in the rural India. Manek affection towards Guleri was there till the very end of the story but he was not able to put up his feelings that he will not able to forget her throughout his life, in front of her mother. His unbiasedness towards Guleri reflects when he shouts â€Å"take him away! He stinks of kerosene†. Here kerosene which is used for inflammable purpose reminds him of his dead beloved wife Guleri. This illustrate his immense love and devotion that is buried deep inside his heart which often comes out which is the proof that he was wrong. He did not oppose his own mother in taking such decision. This story is very realistic on grounds of Guleri’s immolation, Manek’s second marriage. But taking the role of his mother that does not seems much realistic. Since generally the patriarchal form of family exists in the rural households. And all the decision of the house are taken by the male member of the family. Woman has very less or no says at all in the decision process. And taking note of the relationship, the kind of relation between Guleri and his husband Manek seems unbiased since the love persists even after the suicide of Guleri which often reflects in the habits of Manek. How to cite Stench of Kerosene, Essay examples